I've released the ninth episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Martina Welander. Find out where she earned her geeky street cred!
Follow up with Martina here:
Twitter: @mhwelander
Visit her website: mhwelander.net
Read up: sitecore.net
Friend her on the Sitecore Community: sitecore.community.net
I've released the eighth episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Adam Najmanowicz. Find out why, when he wanted to play video games, he had to work for it.
Follow up with Adam here:
Twitter: @adamnaj
website: blog.najmanowicz.com
I've released the seventh episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Mike Edwards. Find out what motivated him to become a problem solver.
Follow up with Mike here:
Twitter: @mikeedwards83
website: glass.lu
I've released the sixth episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Stephen Pope. If you've always wanted to know how a career in graphic design can lead to software, now you know.
Follow up with Stephen here:
Twitter: @stephenpope
website: stephenpope.co.uk
I've released the fifth episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Robbert Hock. If you're looking for a 'Die Hard'
technology partner, you've found the right guy.
Follow up with Robbert here:
I've released the fourth episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Pieter Brinkman. He's your inside man, developer advocate and community evangelist at Sitecore!
Follow up with Pieter here:
Twitter: @pieterbrink123
website: community.sitecore.net
I know I've been neglecting my blog but it's for a good reason. I had the good fortune to travel to the Netherlands and attend SUGCON 2015 (while meeting a ton of great people). During that trip I undertook the audacious goal of interviewing eight (yes eight!) people in a single day. The first of which is now the third episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Lars Floe Nielsen.
Follow up with Lars here:
Twitter: @ln_sitecore
website: www.sitecore.net
I've just released the second episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Sean Holmesby.
Follow up with Sean here:
Twitter: @seanholmesby
website: www.seanholmesby.com
I've just released the first episode of Catching Exceptions featuring Nick Wesselman. Enjoy!
Since there were some significant changes in Sitecore's RTE when they upgraded to Telerik's new libraries from Sitecore 6.3 to 6.4. I'd written previously about adding buttons to the RTE before and was lookin for a good reason to write a supplemental article. Thankfully the new editor actually simplifies a bit of what you'll need to do from the earlier version of Sitecore.
I was recently asked by a content editor how to insert a YouTube video on a page in Sitecore and after thinking about the best approach to respond with my options were to tell the user to change to HTML mode in the Rich Text Editor (RTE) or for me to install one of the Shared Source Modules. I looked over YouTube Integration and as thoughtfully designed as it was I thought it would require too much effort for something I thought could be much simpler. I decided to extend the RTE with an additional button that opened a dialog window you could paste the IFrame embed code into.