Archive: April, 2014

Musings of a Sitecore Developing Man

April 25, 2014


This article is about the theory of template development. A topic, which at its best, is dry and wonkish. My goal is to provoke thought and discussion but mostly to prevent others from having to continuously wander through this hedge maze until they invariably come to the same end. Besides that, there may be a better solution still that someone else has come up with.

TestStar - A Web and Unit Testing SDK

April 05, 2014


I began working with web testing years ago with the MS Test framework when I got a version of Visual Studio that allowed it's use. I started small and began building simple ping tests. Over time it developed into a tool would run sets of tests daily and fed the results into a blog that I could read every morning. It tought me a lot but eventually I hit too many limitations. License cost being the most obvious but also I couldn't create a custom interface for it. I had to work within Visual Studio and the UI was too blunt. This forced me to finally bite the bullet and start converting my system to NUnit and Watin.