So while doing a dry run of an upgrade from Sitecore 6.2 to Sitecore 6.4, I noticed something that stopped working in my rich text editor: dynamic stylesheets. I have a large multi-site platform and it's using code from the dynamic stylesheets SDN Article to set a unique stylesheet in the wysiwyg editor for each site. The Telerik codebase has changed a bit and the rich text editor has also. So I'll go through what I did to get it working so you can shortcut the hassle. The first thing you'll need to know is that the file loading the rich text editor is now located at EditorPage.aspx instead of Default.aspx. The class supporting this page (Sitecore.Shell.Controls.RichTextEditor.EditorPage) is also different from it's predecessor (Sitecore.Shell.Controls.RADEditor.RADEditor). I've stubbed out the page directive you'll need to update below:
Some of the most useful features in Sitecore are also some of the least well known. The longer you work with anything, the more you begin to understand it. With something as complex as Sitecore you really have to spend a lot of time learning what it can do before you start to really see how well it's suited to solving a lot of different problems.
So I've recently spoken to some old colleagues about how they use SVN to release their site code and realized that there is still not a lot of common use of a release process. They suffer due to their time constraints since they've had little time to review and it can be daunting to take on the task of redefining a new aproach to this technology if you're really crunched for time. On the other hand, it can also be very nerve wracking when you're pushing code by updating a folder because if there's an issue a code roll-back is manual. I've been shown a solution to this challenge myself so I thought it would be good to put up an article giving an easy straight forward way for you to upgrade your approach without too much difficulty. If you can't retrofit your project in the way I'll show, you should be able to at least find another way once you understand the principles behind it.