Dream Catcher
Launch Site

Tags: MVC, DotNET, MyDesign

Dream Catcher was an idea inspired by a friend Jason LaCouture. He had built an early prototype for himself to track his own dreams and began seeing patterns. By the time he was finished explaining it to me I was ready to go to work. I first just wrote up some internal architecture (IA) and then went to work designing. Having done a lot of design slicing and building sites I had a good number of ideas kicking around. I decided to create the site largely using transparency. I wanted to be able to display dreamy photos in the background since nothing gives site value like good photography. When I was ready to start development I had been hearing a lot about .NET's MVC framework and was interested in seeing what applications it would be best for. As it turns out this was just the type of site it would work for. There's not a lot of unique urls for the site and they're mostly for function as opposed to vanity. Considering the base pattern defined for MVC urls is /class/method/data which is entirely functional this would fit perfectly.

1 dreams